Rob Langston, News Editor at FE Trustnet, talks about how to successfully pitch ideas to him, the big issue for investors in 2017 and how successful investment businesses need to remain adaptable.
Who are the FE Trustnet audience?
“We cover regulated, UK-registered funds – including open-ended funds, investment trusts and ETFs – for an audience consisting mainly of private investors and IFAs.”
What are you trying to achieve with your content for them?
“We are an information provider and also offer in-depth analysis of funds and fund performance for our readers. We profile fund managers and highlight potential areas of interest.”

Rob Langston
What kind of material are you looking for from fund managers and wealth managers?
“We produce a lot of content ourselves. However, we do accept external material. We look for original pieces that haven’t gone anywhere else and interesting comment on markets from managers.”
Any advice for potential contributors?
“I’d like people to look at the website before getting in touch about a pitch, so they understand what we are about. We don’t cover all investment products.”
What are the best and worst times to pitch ideas to you?
“I am always happy to be contacted by firms with an interesting pitch that’s relevant to our readers and to the market we cover.”
What are the big issues for investors at the moment?
“Last year was challenging for investors. The outcome of the Brexit referendum saw sterling plunge but also saw the FTSE 100 hit new highs. Finding a way to live with increased uncertainty is likely to remain a theme for years to come.”
Looking ahead, what are the big challenges for the investment industry?
“The investment industry has continued to evolve over the years. New strategies and products have been launched, while others have seen demand dwindle. Successful investment firms have been able to adapt to changes in investor behaviour.”
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